Pilot Contributor Signup

Commission rates are determined by contribution amounts.
For a limited time, sign up and
get auto-upgraded to a First Officer.

$ for doing what you ♥
What could be better than making money effortlessly by doing what you love?
We can't think of anything, but then again, we're drone pilots for a reason.
Sign up to be a Pilot Contributor
Important Note: We only work with Certified Remote Pilots.
Please do not sign up if you do not have your Remote Pilot certificate number from the FAA.

Your information will never be shared outside of Airzus without your explicit permission.

Did we mention we only work with Certified Remote Pilots & licensed Pilots?
Airzus only vets media for aesthetic quality. Pilot Contributors retain all copyrights, unless unique arrangements are made to transfer full rights for a particular piece of media.
We only work with a limited number of Pilot Contributors in each geographic zone, so sign up early to claim your spot.
If accepted, you will be asssigned a Pilot Representative to help fully onboard you to the Airzus Pilot Network.
We take safety and regulations
very seriously.
It is the responsibility of each Pilot Contributor to confirm receipt of waiver(s) or authorization(s) from the FAA, if applicable for a particular flight or mission.
We only accept media that has been captured in compliance with existing federal regulations. This means if you're submitting a night-time image, you should have secured a night-time waiver for the flight used to secure the media.